Principal’s Welcome
It is my pleasure to welcome all students and their families to Karoonda Area School. We value student education and provide a world class education that empowers students to reach both personal and academic success.
Karoonda Area School is a Preschool to Year 12 School that boasts an extensive range of opportunities for students across their schooling and beyond. Our students are respectful, honest and successful, working together with our community to become leaders.
Our school serves families from across the central mallee region, from Bowhill in the east along the River Murray to farms and small communities across the area. Our community is underpinned by local industry, including farming, and has a range of small businesses and services within the township.
Honesty, Success, Respect
Through our partnerships and connections, we offer students strong academic and vocational pathways, supporting them to develop a strong future. We challenge students to try new experiences and learn new things through inquiry and collaboration to become lifelong learners.
Our school supports student wellbeing through Pastoral Care programs, including the Resilience Project, and with access to support networks and external agencies through our pastoral care workers. Students are supported to have strong positive mental health through connections with their teachers and learning in supportive classrooms.
Our whole school focus on reading, writing and numeracy ensures every student develops the skills to be successful citizens, regardless of their starting point. We value partnering with families to promote continual growth for every child, in every class.
Continuity in learning is a key priority for our school as students progress from Early Years through to SACE. This is supported through clear sub-schools in Primary and Secondary with specific structures and experiences to enhance learning at each stage.
We have strong facilities and grounds that are well maintained and highlight the pride our community has in our school. Our classrooms have varied designs and flexible learning to support different subject and age requirements. The STEM Hub includes stations for 3D printing, laser cutting and electronics, as well as access to the Ag Farm for connected learning. The external facilities include multiple playing spaces, with a Ninja Warrior course, resurfaced basketball courts and large oval.
Equity of access to ICT is a staple of our school, providing every learner in the school with a device to use for school, developing the skills required for a digital future. Students are supported through our Daymap portal to engage in learning when absent and this provides clear deadlines and success criteria for assessments.
Our school is on a continuous cycle of improvement to ensure learning is modern, relevant and making the best impact for our students. The values of Respect, Honesty and Success underpin our work across the school. We are proud of the history our school has with high academic achievement and continually strive to help everyone grow and reach success.